Thursday, May 16, 2013

Camp GLOW in Cambodia

Camp G.L.O.W. (Girls Leading Our World) is a popular Peace Corps project done around the world. It began in Romania in 1995 with the purpose of encouraging young women to become active citizens by building their self-esteem and confidence, increasing self-awareness, and developing their skills in goal setting as well as career and life planning. Since that time the project has expanded to include six main topics: gender equality, self-esteem, leadership, health, aspirations, and volunteerism. The number of participants, focus of the camp, topics presented, facilitators involved, number of days, etc, differ from country to country and within countries depending on the participant's needs and the focus of the camp (i.e. different topics and activities). This year in Cambodia, there will be at least seven of these camps ranging from one to four days in different provinces.

PCVs from BMC & SR Allstar PCVs (Blair, Sally, Trophie, Katie, Neysa, Kateri, and Meghan)

Since January, seven PCVs (Neysa, Katie, Trophie, Blair, Meghan, Kateri, and Sally) in Siem Reap and Banteay Meanchey provinces, have been working together to put on a four day Camp G.L.O.W. in Siem Reap town for sixty-two young women and three female teachers or counterparts from seven different high schools. In February, they applied for and received a small grant to fund the hiring of facilitators from three Khmer NGOs to present on topics like puberty, women's health, domestic violence, self-awareness, career planning, goal setting, and how to be an effective community educator. The grant also included food, lodging, and facilities while each community contributed supplies and raised funds to cover transportation costs. Needless to say it was a big undertaking and they are happy to report that the Camp G.L.O.W. successfully ran May 2nd-5th.

DSCN8514 PCV Meghan (Siem Reap province) and her students

Roughly nine girls from each of the seven communities were chosen to participate in the camp based on applications and in some cases attendance records from girls clubs or health clubs. The students' ages ranged from 15 to 20 (9th - 12th grade). The first two days focused on sexual health and healthy relationships and included sessions on puberty, menstruation, and domestic violence, all led by three inspiring Khmer women from the Battambang based NGO Our Strength. The Women's Resource Center came in for morning sessions on the last two days to teach about self-awareness, goal-setting, and to help the participants expand their skills as community educators. Additionally, the Royal University of Phnom Penh's Career Advising Service team came for an afternoon session to discuss career planning and future opportunities.

DSCN8449 Icebreakers!

DSCN8467 PCVs Neysa and Trophie preparing activities

The PCVs led icebreakers which included "find someone who..." human scavenger hunt, a name game (where there are two teams and a person from each team steps up to opposite sides of a bed sheet and when the sheet is dropped and they see each other the first person to shout the other's name wins and the other girl joins the other team), and a balloon game (where you tie a balloon to your ankle and while defending yours you try and pop everyone else's balloon by stomping on them). Evening activities included: a newspaper fashion show (including plastic bags, string and tape), bracelet-making and arts/crafts, and a trip via remorks to Angkor Wat.

DSCN8470 Camp GLOW attendees presenting to everyone

DSCN8486 Camp GLOW attendees building on teamwork skills

These young women are the next generation of leaders in Cambodia. They formed relationships across communities, gained knowledge, and built upon skills. They will now go out into their respective communities and share that knowledge as community educators teaching 100 community members; roles they might have shied away from less than a week ago. Some of the brave young women got a jump on the education, teaching fellow passengers on the ride home about menstruation and anatomy. These young women are the future and they are glowing like stars!

All of the Camp GLOW attendees in SR 2013 The whole Camp GLOW Siem Reap Family!

Upcoming Camp GLOWs (and one Camp STAR) in Cambodia:

Camp STAR (boys and girls camp) in Kampong Thom province May 24-26
Camp GLOW Kampong Cham province May 24-26
Camp GLOW Kampot province May 31, June 1-2
Camp GLOW Prey Veng province June 1-2
Camp GLOW Takeo province June 6-8

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