Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Spotlight is on...HAYLEY KNICELY!

Hayley at Kampot's 2013 Camp GLOW Hayley paired up with another PCV, Amanda Arand to teach a health lesson at Camp GLOW in Kampot

Our blog has focused on Spotlighting exceptional Khmer people. Today we're switching things up and Spotlighting our first Peace Corps Volunteer!

Hi there, my name is Hayley Knicely and I am a K6 CHE volunteer. I am currently starting my second year as a Peace Corps volunteer in Cambodia and am getting started with all sorts of fun projects. I live in Kampot Province not far from beautiful Kampot town. Currently, I work at the health center in the mornings 5 days a week. However, this previous school year I also taught health education classes to grade 12 students two days per week. In the afternoons, I fill my days with chores, reading, playing with my siblings, and planning secondary projects.

My current project is helping to develop the library at my school alongside students and faculty. We have already cleaned out the room, arranged the tables, chairs, and the librarian’s desk; and started painting some of the walls. This week we will begin drawing the mural for the library on the outside of the room and painting that as well. The only thing the library is lacking is books! Please help and make a donation so the students at Hun Sen Trosek Korng can expand their knowledge through reading!

To donate to Hayley's Library Development project CLICK THIS LINK!!!

Another secondary project that I am working on is a program called PD Hearth. This was originally set up in PC Mali, but has taken off here in Cambodia as well. Essentially, I have been meeting with two different villages, Phnom Doic and Tuk Graham, to discuss the need for young child and infant nutrition lessons. Initially, myself alongside the village chiefs and health volunteers weighed a sample of children in both villages and found that upwards of 30% of them were underweight. We then decided to apply for the grant and will eventually hold trainings and bor-bor (rice porridge) feeding sessions. Our hope is that the children who are currently underweight will gain weight and mothers will be educated on better ways to keep their children healthy.

What activities related to Gender Development are you involved in?
This past June my province-mates and I put on a Camp GLOW at our provincial town which is a camp designed to empower and educate girls on leadership, teamwork, and even some health lessons. I invited 11 young ladies from my grade 12 classes to spend the 3-day weekend with close to 50 other girls from around the province. Not only did they get to make new friends, but they also had the opportunity to prove to themselves and others, that they are strong and beautiful and can do whatever they set their minds to. One of my favorite moments was when we hosted a yoga session and the female Khmer instructor said:

“Most Khmer women are scared of exercising because they think if they get strong they will not be able to have children. I explained to these girls that I am a woman, I am strong, and I just gave birth to a healthy son 6 months ago.”

I feel like moments like this show women in Cambodia that they can do just as much, if not more, than men!

How did you get to where you are today?
I joined Peace Corps almost immediately after graduating from college at Elon University in North Carolina. I majored in Exercise Sport Science and triple-minored in Public Health, Sport and Event Management, and International Studies. During my senior year I kept tossing around ideas of going to grad school for Physical/Occupational Therapy, Public Health, or doing volunteer work. I eventually decided grad school can always wait, but an experience like the Peace Corps can’t. So here I am!

What kind of advice do you want to give the youth of Cambodia?
Never stop dreaming, creating, and working hard!

What is your favorite thing about your country?
My favorite thing about the USA would have to be the season: fall. I love when the air starts to get chilly and you can bundle up with hot tea and a good book. I also love anything and everything pumpkin! Pumpkin pie, pumpkin bread, pumpkin spice latte, pumpkin carving, the list can go on!

Anything else? Weird hobbies or talents?
I used to play competitive table tennis with my dad and brother and would travel to different states to compete. I was in a step-dancing competition my sophomore year of college with the brothers of Sigma Phi Beta and we won first place!

Spotlight interview provided by Hayley Knicely - She's so nice! ;)

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